6 December 2024
On 6 December, over 400 members of the SCM community gathered for the Christmas Party and Graduation Dinner to celebrate the festive season. Distinguished alumni from the HKSAR Health Bureau, including Dr. Vincent Chung, Commissioner for Chinese Medicine Development; Dr. Ng Chi Sun; and Ms. Chow Chi I, Amily, Assistant Commissioners for Chinese Medicine Development, joined the dinner along with SCM staff, students, alumni and partners.
As the evening unfolded, the SCM management took the stage to give a toast for expressing sincere gratitude to all participants for their continued support.
Laughter and camaraderie filled the air as all enjoyed the lucky draw and singing performances, creating a lively atmosphere. The highlight of the night was the touching tribute from the graduating Class of 2024, showing their heartfelt appreciation through singing and presentation of handmade gifts to their teachers.
The celebration fostered a sense of community among all attendees. The School looks forward to new opportunities with the guests in the year ahead.
Over 400 members of the SCM community gathered for the Christmas Party and Graduation Dinner to celebrate the festive season.
The SCM management took the stage to give a toast.