Postdoctoral research fellows form a vital part of the research strength of the School of Chinese Medicine (SCM). The School always welcomes applications from prospective postdoctoral researchers who have finished their PhD within the previous four years and have good research and publication records.
Applicant for the postdoctoral research fellow of SCM must be the first author of at least TWO articles which have been published/accepted for publication in a journal or journals with a total impact factor of 6.0 or above; or he/she must be the first author of at least ONE article which has been published/accepted for publication in a journal with an impact factor of 9.0 or above; and the aforementioned articles must have been published/accepted for publication in the four years immediately prior to the date of submission of application for the postdoctoral research fellow position.
Interested parties please send a cover letter together with an up-to-date CV to